
US FDA Updated Specifications for eCTD Validation Criteria V3.8

FDA has updated the guideline for Specifications for eCTD Validation Criteria (V3.8). In this version FDA updated;
  • Descriptions of the eCTD Validation Criteria of Error Codes 1734, 1735, and 1736 which support the Study Data Technical Conformance Guide

Health Canada Updated Validation rules for non-eCTD electronic-only format (V4.4)

These Validation rules build on the information provided in Preparation of Regulatory Activities in “Non-eCTD Electronic-Only” format guideline.

The revised rules assist stakeholders in the preparation of regulatory transactions in Non-eCTD format.


US FDA Extended eCTD Deadline for Type III DMFs (Packaging Material)

Again, FDA has updated the Providing Regulatory Submissions in Electronic Format guideline. Now, the requirement to submit DMF Type III (Packaging Material) electronically (in eCTD format only) become effective 60 months after May 5, 2015 (May 5, 2020).

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